The Hutchie SIX...
Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy
Thursday, May 29, 2014
100 Days of Happiness Day 94
Now that I'm nearing the end of my 100 days, I find that I'm thinking of more broad spectrum type things that give me happiness. One thing I realized this morning that gives me an enormous amount of joy, may seem counter-intuitive. I make myself uncomfortable. Almost everyday. Sounds very un-joyous, doesn't it? One thing us humans despise is discomfort. We avoid it at all costs. But where does that get us?
There's a graphic I've seen in which there's a little circle and inside is written: "your comfort zone." The huge space outside the circle is labled: "where the magic happens." And that's so true -- all the cool shit happens outside that itty-bitty comfy circle.
If you know me, or have read at least one of my blog posts, you know that my sleep situation is in the toilet. Because I complain about it a lot. But despite my exhaustion, I have been making myself get up and run almost every day. It hurts. It goes very much against my desire to stay home and drink another cup of coffee and rest. But every time I go, I am grateful. Even the days my sleep has been the most broken. My run may start off creaky, and the voice inside my head may be telling me it's a bad idea... but I have never regretted a run. The fresh air pumping through my nose and throat and lungs and legs works it's magic, and I come home feeling much better than when I left.
It doesn't have to be a physical thing. Getting outside of your comfort zone could mean talking to somebody you're afraid to approach. It could mean saying sorry to somebody you're arguing with. Or, perhaps even more difficult - forgiving somebody who may not 100% deserve it. But I say do it. Today -- do something that makes you uncomfortable. Stretching your limits can make you happy. It makes me happy on a daily basis.
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