The Hutchie SIX...
Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
100 Days of Happiness Day 80
After college, when I had my first job with benefits, I decided to make myself a doctor's appointment and a dental appointment. I was paying for these benefits after all. I wasn't worried. I was healthy... and had never had a cavity. It was a formality, really. And I got to take a half day from work. The dentist I went to came highly recommended. When she told me I had a (rather deep) cavity, I wasn't worried about that either. She said they would "numb it right up" and I wouldn't feel a thing. Well the thing is, after the "numbing" shot (which I was told was the most painful part of the process) and the drilling began, I felt everything. The drill began to whirl, and when it hit my tooth, it felt like bright white lightning ice cold burning hot thunder. I jumped in the chair. "Oh," I said. "I can still feel it." The dentist look surprised and ordered another shot. Once that shot had a chance to soak in, she began again. Within moments that same raw icy exposed nerve sensation was there. We did several more shots, but it never did numb the tooth completely. So she drilled into my poor little toothy while I sweated and twisted in the chair.
It left a lasting impression.
I am terrified of going to the dentist. I've had a few more cavities since that first one... None were as awful as that. But I can't get past the fear.
It had been five years since my last appointment and I was so afraid that I'd have to endure a major procedure. I was so very very happy that my teeth are holding up and there is not a cavity in sight.
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