The Hutchie SIX...

Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy

Thursday, May 22, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Day 87

Do you remember when you were a kid, when you'd get new shoes you'd believe they made you run faster? This is Brookie's first pair of "fast" shoes. She has always preferred footwear of the fancy variety -- the black patent leather, the sparkly ones that click when she walks, the shiny pink flats, and her dress up high heels. This year she had a pair of pink cowgirl boots that she wore into the ground -- literally. The zipper burst at school the other day. She came home with a rubberband around her ankle to hold the boot on and tears in her eyes. "I want another pair -- Just. Like. These." she told me. With summer approaching boots were not my first choice for her. So I carefully approached the idea of tennis shoes, which she of course rebuked. But yesterday when I took her to the athletic shoe department this little pair of runners caught her eye. "Maybe I'll just try them," she offered with little commitment. One shoe went on, and then the other. Then she wanted to see how fast they were. She took off like blonde lightning down the aisle. And then she loved them. She put them on in the car, wore them all over the house, put them on first thing this morning before breakfast, and wouldn't/couldn't stop running.
Truth is, I still believe new shoes make me a bit faster... In the same way a car wash makes my car run a bit smoother. Seeing my little high-heeled wearing girl tearing down the street in her fast shoes makes me happy.

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