The Hutchie SIX...

Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy

Monday, March 24, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Day 32

Yes, I’m the nut taking pictures in the produce section. I couldn’t help myself – isn’t it pretty?
Sometimes I’ll slice into a purple onion and I can’t believe how neat it looks. That's how you know you've crossed over into dorky adult-land. Ask a kid to take a look at an onion and appreciate its beauty and you'll get the look. You know the one -- the one that says, "um what? that's an onion." 
The truth is, I love food. I used to think this made me gluttonous. Growing up in Southern California can be hard on a young girl’s self image, and unfortunately, I was not spared. Despite my mom’s best efforts – always cooking healthy meals and encouraging me to aim towards health and strength, somewhere in there I began to buy into the notion that girls should be thin and not eat much. Problem was, I had a great appetite. I remember holding my stomach in starting in fourth grade. I remember not eating foods that were healthy because I thought I would gain weight. Then in my 20’s I consistently ate processed food that had zero fat grams, but lots of chemicals and refined carbs. My skin looked awful, I got my first cavities, and my energy level was in the toilet for being so young. It makes me sad to remember that… 
Somewhere in my later twenties I realized that when I ate almonds and oatmeal and avocado and olive oil and steak (yes, steak) I felt better – I could run farther and faster, and I didn’t gain weight. My body was so much happier. Food is beautiful and I love it. I love cooking it and I will eat anything… I’ve never been a picky eater. Someday I will grow a huge and awesome garden. While I prefer to eat healthy organic food 99% of the time, there is a time and a place for a greasy double bacon cheeseburger and chocolate cake. Like so many things in life, it is a balance… One thing is for sure, good food makes me happy.

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