The Hutchie SIX...

Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy

Saturday, March 15, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Day 23

When you’re a child in a large family it’s often a challenge to get parental one on one… Whoever made up the expression “your love does not get divided (with more children)… it only multiplies” meant well, sure… But while the love for my kids is boundless, there is a very finite number of hours in the day, and usually there is somebody in there who doesn’t get everything they want… At least that is the way it seems to me. I feel guilty about 95% of the time. Very rarely do I have A+ parenting days -- those days where I feel like I’m just nailing it. Usually, I feel I’m in the C+ range -- doing great in some areas, but others… not so much. I suppose that’s how it goes. One of my favorite yoga teachers often says, “it’s okay to be a C. you don’t always have to be an A.” I hope that’s right.
But today, Quinny and I got some rare time alone. She has been dropping hints all week about wanting a “special day.” The school week was bananas, as it always is, but today we got a chance to run over to Starbucks just the two of us. She told me about the book she just finished, about what she wants to read next…  she shared how she wants some cargo pants because she thinks they would be her style… and we talked about her report card. It feels so great to be able to focus on her completely one on one like that… It was all the way an A+ day with my Quinny girl – which makes me one happy mama.

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