The Hutchie SIX...

Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy

Sunday, March 9, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Day 17

What they don't tell you about pregnancy and post-pregnancy could fill a book. For instance, most people know that while a woman is pregnant, her hair grows thick and lustrous. I hardly lose a strand of hair my entire pregnancy... I love it. But a lesser known fact: all that hair that grows so fantastically during pregnancy falls out en masse about 3 months post-partum. It's quite horrifying. It comes out in handfuls, in wads, and it's everywhere. But this is not the worst part of the scenario. (It's not? No) The worst part is when it all grows back at once. Like spring grass, it comes up quickly and sticks up proudly. Like a crown of sprouts... There are months of pomade and awkward hair-dos. So, it was with great happiness I went to see my friend and stylist to make my hair look good today. She is a mom and she knows all about this situation. She also knows that when I'm pregnant I  have an overwhelming urge to chop off all my hair, and she told me as soon as she found out I was pregnant to just forget it -- she would NOT under any circumstances cut my hair - so don't even ask. That's a great stylist for you right there. At any rate, it had been too long since I'd seen her... She made my locks look lovely -- even with their special sprouts. It was fun to see her, and it made me happy.

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