The Hutchie SIX...
Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy
Saturday, April 26, 2014
100 Days of Happiness Day 63
It can go either way with neighbors. If you like them, you are blessed. If you don't like them, your life can become miserable. Luckily I've never had really terrible neighbors -- aside from a few apartment/roommate situations I vaguely remember... There was the roommate who would go into the community freezer and take out my little pint of ice cream and meticulously dig out all the cookie dough chunks with a fork -- leaving just the plain vanilla behind with deep tracks throughout. His girlfriend would eat all my fruit. She even ate a bowl of my cherries while she was talking to me. It was mind boggling. Then, there was the man who lived above me in my apartment in Seattle who would wake up each and every morning and toot the loudest toot you ever did hear... But thank goodness I've never had the super awful adult neighbor situations I've heard about. Neighbors who yell at children, or get ticked about cars parked on the street, or argue about trees and property and blah blah blah. I suppose you never know what you're going to get when you move somewhere new. At the very least you hope for peace. We are so very fortunate to live next to some super stellar neighbors. This morning (fairly early I might add) Brookie and I were finally getting around to making our banana bread we've been meaning to make. I had the bananas mashed and all the dry ingredients mixed in a bowl when I realized I didn't have eggs. Not only did I know our neighbors would be awake, I knew it would be okay to ask to borrow some eggs. So Brookie dashed over in her jammies and quickly returned with the eggs, and her little bf from next door who was also still in her footie jammies. They have been playing together ever since. Liz, her mom, and I went to yoga this afternoon while the dads watched the kids. And did I mention she brought me a bottle of wine the other day? It's so great to know that our kids play well together and there is somebody there, just across the way in case I need anything. It's also an added bonus that they are awesome nice people. It makes me happy.
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