The Hutchie SIX...

Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy

Monday, April 21, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Day 58

I'm finally getting beyond the "survival stage" of babyhood. For those of you who have never had a child, or for those who have but forget, this stage is when the pants you sleep in and wear all day are one and the same... And because you are actually, you know *wearing pants* you are not only fine with the scenario, but feel quite successful. It is when you walk around having to pee for hours but simply cannot make the time to go. It is when you sleep in two hour increments, and a four hour stretch is like golden glorious heaven. It is when you shower at 3am when baby is sleeping, all the while praying you'll make it through without hearing the monitor begin to blow up. It's when your dinner is grilled cheese sandwich crusts you eat while standing up bouncing your baby, or while nursing, or while sweeping the floor... Or, while doing all three (expert level IV). I could go on but you get the drift.
There are still elements of that stage that I see in my life even though Owen is nearing the 1 year mark. I am still a zombie at times. Coffee is my buddy. I'm frazzled. But it's getting easier. Easier? Well, certainly more manageable. Now many of the things I have neglected are coming back to me. Like planting things. For the last several months I have had to purposefully turn a blind eye toward the pots of overgrown and/or dying plants on the porch. Though I love planting and watching things grow, I simply have not had the time to do it. But today at the store the nursery section was calling me. I told myself I'd do just one or two pots, so while I fed Owen a steady stream of rice puffs we meandered through the plants and picked a few to grow.
When I got home we set ourselves up on the porch in a little slice of sunshine and got to work. A little girl from next door came over and helped me give some of the plants a "haircut." Someday I will get to my big garden I have visions of planting... But today, playing in the dirt and planting my little pots made me very happy.

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