One day, my body will die. No matter how many times I tell
myself that, it still seems surreal. And on some level part of me thinks: maybe
not me… But all of our bodies will eventually die. Before that happens they
will age and fade and slow down. Until it is time. The inside light and energy
is forever, but this body is only temporary.
My body is not
perfect - it is filled with challenges and flaws, but it is wise and strong and
I respect it. This body grew my four babies. It fed them through my blood and
kept them safe until it was time to bring them into the world. And it knew how
to do that, too. My body has nourished them until they were over a year old. My
body takes me for runs, it lets me dance, and sometimes during yoga if I can
really let my mind go, my body takes over and runs the show.
I try to remember to enjoy my body while it is still strong.
I won’t have it forever. Today during yoga I felt grateful for my limbs and
spine and fingers and organs… They all work together and let me enjoy the world
I live in. My body makes me happy.
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