The Hutchie SIX...
Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy
Monday, April 14, 2014
100 Days of Happiness Day 51
I'm a morning person. Thank God. For as many times as I have to be up really early, it's a good thing. Today is different, though. I'm not up because I have to be, and I am the only one in the house who is up. That is my favorite. I have a chance to drink my coffee, read, listen to my music (quietly) and get the day going with my own thoughts before the chaos of the morning explodes upon the day. Sometimes when I'm awake this early (4:30am) it reminds me of my Grandpa Richard, who was very much a morning person. My mom told me when she was young, she would creep out in the early morning to find her Dad sitting at the kitchen table with his notebooks, his coffee, and his cigarettes. He was always thinking and planning and writing things down. And then when it was still dark outside he would slip off to work. He would come home early in the afternoon and doze in his black chair before having dinner.
When I would sleep over at my grandparent's house when I was little, as usual my Grandpa would wake up very early and make my favorite breakfast at the time -- cream of wheat, with lumps in it. He found out that I loved lumps, so in order to ensure there would be plenty of lumps for my enjoyment, he would hand-form them for me. When I would wake up, he would already be at work, but there would be a pot on the stove waiting for me. Once, when I was in college and visiting at my mom's, he came over very early in the morning and made this special breakfast for me... That memory makes me happy.
Happy Monday.
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