The Hutchie SIX...

Three Little Girls, A Very Unexpected Baby Boy, A Large Dog, Three Fish, A Guinea Pig, A Very Busy Mommy, And One Hardworking Daddy

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

100 Days of Happiness Day 52

The trail wave.
If you're a runner you know exactly what that is... If I'm passing someone on the trail I almost always wave hello. Or smile. Or at the very least, if I'm struggling with a hard run, a nod. If for whatever reason I don't smile, or wave, or nod... and somebody waves at me, I would hands down always acknowledge that person with one of the above greetings. That is why it blows my mind if/when I smile or wave or nod at somebody, and they look me right in the face and.... do nothing. What the ever loving hell, people? I've narrowed it down to A) perhaps these are the very same people who flip me off in the roundabout for simply following traffic guidelines... B) they are having gut wrenching digestional distress and simply CANNOT make their facial muscles form a smile... Or, C) I look really freaky with my beet red face and weird endorphiny smile and I scare them...
It's likely, C... as you can tell by this picture.
At any rate, today was not that type of day. Today the sun was shining, and I felt like smiling my red-faced smile at everybody I passed. And everybody I passed had the same grin on. It is a bright morning after all -- perfect for a run. And that is a happy happy thing.

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